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Ear Wax Removal

Earwax is produced by glands in the ear canal. Although scientists are still not completely sure why we have earwax, it does trap dust and other small particles and prevent them from reaching, and potentially damaging or infecting the eardrum. Normally, the wax dries up and falls out of the ear, along with any trapped dust or debris. Everyone makes ear wax, but the amount and type are genetically determined just like hair color or height. Smaller or oddly shaped ear canals may make it difficult for the naturally occurring wax to get out of the canal and lead to wax complications. Our Urgent Care Clinic located near Northeast Oklahoma City can help!

Earwax Causes

  • Blockage, or impaction, also occurs when the wax gets pushed deep within the ear canal. Earwax blockage is one of the most common ear problems doctors see.
  • The most common cause of impactions is the use of Q-tips (and other objects such as bobby pins and rolled napkin corners), which can remove superficial wax but also pushes the rest of the wax deeper into the ear canal.
    Hearing aid and earplug users are also more prone to earwax blockage.

Earwax Symptoms

  • Decreased hearing
    Ear pain
    Plugged or fullness sensation
    Ringing in the ear
    Itching or drainage from the ear canal

Don’t delay – please visit our walk in Urgent Care Clinic in North Oklahoma City and meet with one of our Health Care Providers as soon as possible. 

Urgent Care Services NW OKC

Charter Clinic Immediate Care

Located at Britton & Broadway Extenstion

200 W. Britton Rd.

Oklahoma City OK 73114

(405) 755-8000


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