PPD skin test
How the Test is Performed
You will need two visits to your doctor’s office for this test.
At the first visit, the health care provider will clean an area of your skin, usually the inside of your forearm. You will get a small shot (injection) that contains PPD. The needle is gently placed under the top layer of skin, causing a bump (welt) to form. This bump usually goes away in a few hours as the material is absorbed.
After 48 to 72 hours, you must return to your doctor’s office. The doctor or nurse will check the area to see if you have had a strong reaction to the test.
How to Prepare for the Test
There is no special preparation for this test.
Tell your health care provider if you have ever had a positive PPD skin test. If so, you should not have a repeat PPD test, except under unusual circumstances.
Tell your doctor if you have a medical condition or if you take certain medicines, such as steroids, which can affect your immune system. These situations may lead to inaccurate test results.
Tell your doctor if you have received the BCG vaccine and if so, when you received it. (This vaccine is only given outside of the United States.)
How the Test will Feel
You will feel a brief sting as the needle is inserted just below the skin surface.
Why the Test is Performed
This test is done to find out if you have ever come in contact with the bacteria that causes TB.
TB is an easily spread (contagious) disease. It most often affects the lungs. The bacteria can remain inactive (dormant) in the lungs for many years. This situation is called latent TB.
Most people in the United States who are infected with the bacteria do not have signs or symptoms of active TB.
You are most likely to need this test if you:
- May have been around someone with TB
- Work in health care
- Have a weakened immune system, due to certain medicines or disease (such as cancer or HIV and AIDS)
Don’t delay – please visit our walk in Urgent Care Clinic in North Oklahoma City and meet with one of our Health Care Providers as soon as possible.
Urgent Care Services NW OKC
Charter Clinic Immediate Care
Located at Britton & Broadway Extension
200 W. Britton Rd.
Oklahoma City OK 73114
(405) 755-8000